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GM Zaccaria

👋 Hello!

I'm Yann, I love games, nature and good food. I am a media artist, interaction designer, maker and creative futurist.

Get in touch and discover how we can work together.

M:A:D for Futures!

Interaction for Media, Art & Design

I integrated Futures Thinking with my background in technology, interactive art, design and innovation. This allows me to support projects with original ideas, prototyping engaging experiences and communicate about emerging futures with a more accessible and creative language.

Artistic Statement

Gestures, actions, interactions. Science and mind mysteries, the sensorial body source of awareness and essential truths. The ecology of the embodiment, the environment of sensations, we are one and many, we are human beings, we are forests. Perceived reality and public spaces, in nature nothing is superfluous, perceptions and spirituality, biodiversity is creativity. New paradigms and permaculture principles, the seed and the spirit, the game and the revelation, the pretext for questions and reflections. The tale and the vision, peasant poets and bards of Transition, the makers and the commons, social changes and essential needs. The time has now come.


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Art experiments, creative projects and prototypes

M:A:D Portfolio

Media Architecture & Civic Gaming

“To be playful and serious at the same time is possible, and it defines the ideal mental condition.” John Dewey

Like an initiation rite, the essence of playing is modulating experiences that emphasise interactive, participatory and imaginatively reflexive engagement with the reality. Physical computing can transform things into magical artefacts. Ludic interfaces can add unexpected and fantastical layers to the most familiar object or to the entire urban landscape, making possible distinctively human behaviours to flourish.

Urban Spirits

Urban Spirits Exhibition/Presentation: Medialab Prado – Interactive Media Facade (2013)­ Madrid, Spain. Summary of the work Urban Spirits is an urban game made with twitter, creative coding, arduino and custom designed

Designer in Residence at Play and Civic Media

I was invited to spend two months in Amsterdam as a designer in residence at the research group Play & Civic Media, (HvA). The purpose of the residence was to prototype a game about zero waste and circular economy. I made the game mechanics, as well as the graphic design and the laser cutting processes.

Art+Tech: Sense Shifting

Sense Shifting was an art experiment that explored the possibilities of non-verbal communication mediated by an interactive device: an Emotiorama. The final artwork was an intimate experience in which the participants, in pairs, have had the opportunity to interact with both the machine and each other, playing in a continuous balance in which states of attention and relaxed contemplation alternate. It was a fusion of disciplines to celebrate empathy and try to understand what in the end, connects us.

Physical Narratives & Critical Design: Tarot of the Maker

The same as the Tarot, it consists of 22 major arcana. They represent a typical path, which everyone undergoes over a lifetime, the so-called Hero’s Journey. In this case, it represents the path of evolution and growth that a maker follows in order to develop a new collaborative and open source project from the initial idea to its realization. When the cards are thrown, they generated a random narrative which can lead to unexpected points of view about the ongoing creative processes.
Terrassa Solarpunk Fanzine

Terrassa Solarpunk

Terrassa Solarpunk has been a creative futures thinking lab about the imagination of fair, local, inclusive and eco-sustainable futures for the city of Terrassa. During the meetings, the participants created an archipelago of different visions, claiming their ability to imagine near futures in autonomy. Between first-person stories, bold actions and unexpected social changes, a Solarpunk fiction has been defined about what could be Terrassa in the year 2030.

Original concept and event production. Each 6 months (7 editions in total). Each meeting offered a place where artists, activists, engineers, technologist and every curious minds met to generate new ideas, prototyping the future of Performing Arts and Interactive Media. It also represented an original and innovative way to make inclusive and accessible, technology-based art to the general audience, in particular families, youth and children.


Smart Gardening Lab

Smart Gardening Lab

It was open laboratory on smart gardening and a citizen science activity where low-tech and low cost technology have been applied to an urban garden. The lab has been joined by activists, technologists, horticulturists and people interested in new opportunities to strengthen citizen collaboration.

Exploring the Future of Performing Arts

Moving bodies and changing light, the space blends real and imaginary worlds! Dancers perceive the resonating environment in a symbiotic improvisation with invisible computational entities.They become aware of the hidden patterns of computer interfaces, while sounds and projections create enhanced spheres of choreographic interactions.

Artistic Residencies & Creative Prototypes


Kaleidospheres is an interactive sound art installation created in Greece during the Koumaria’s artistic residency, it was exhibited at Onassis Cultural Center in Athens. In Kaleidospheres unconventional geometries and sound synthesis for a digital theremin were explored. It was built with custom electronic circuits, an arduino board and sound processing in PureData. The antennas in the installation were two spheres of metal wire, in which it was possible to insert the hands and by which control both the LED lights and the sounds generated in real time.

Con-suma Conciencia

Con-suma Conciencia has been one of the 8 co-prototyped projects during the Interactivos? ’19 in Medialab Prado and I have participated as a collaborator. We designed an artistic-edu-communicative strategy aimed at young people between 16 and 26 years old. The purpose was to find creative ways for young people to realize that their diet, in addition to influencing their individual health, can also strongly affect the health of our planet, whose “care” belongs to all of us. We have used visual, audiovisual, musical and performance strategies to design actions that can be distributed in the social networks that young people frequent.

Some of the institutions and organisations that believe in my creativity and passion.

koumaria tech tree circuit logo
ESDi Logo
Museo Etnografico
Fablab Lisboa

I am grateful for the opportunity to have been able to work together on imaginative projects that engage and inspire people.

If you want to share some ideas or know more about how to collaborate, drop me a line, we can have a good chat, don't be shy 🙃


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